Atlassian Confluence – Level 2 – Deep Dive

In this advanced user training you will learn how to manage a complete Confluence instance with multiple spaces. We place a special focus on access rights and user management, which allows you to provide sensitive data in a targeted manner. You will also receive our proven generative blueprints, which will give you an insight into how Confluence can be used effectively for complex product development. After the training you will receive a certificate and access to the LinkedIn group generativ:alumni, where you can ask questions that arise after your training and exchange information with other participants.
- Area management in Confluence
- How do I create new areas?
- What configuration options are there for me?
- Overview on possibilities of spaces
- The interface to Jira
- How do I create Jira Reports and Dashboards
- How do I integrate complete Jira projects?
- How do I manage add-ons?
- How do I optimize PDF exports?
- Introduction to User Management
- How do I integrate external users and/or user directories?
- Creating and managing scalable access management
- Licensing
- Group Organization
- How do I connect a mail system?
- The depths of the system
- How can I customize the Confluence system for my individual needs?
- How do I create templates and how do I integrate external templates?
- How can I customize the GUI for myself and my team?
- How do I use the advanced configuration options (webhooks, etc.)?
- generativ: blueprints
- Project management
- Knowledge management
- Review database
- Neugier und Präsenz.
- Inhalte aus dem Level 1 Training bringen Sie entweder schon mit oder buchen Ihren Termin direkt hier.
09.00 – 09:15 Begrüssung
09.15 – 12:00 Morning Session
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch sponsored by generativ
13:00 – 16:30 Afternoon Session
16:30 – 17:00 Q&A
- Indivduelle Betreueung im Kleingruppenkonzept
- Bring your own device.
- Training auf Deutsch, Englisch auf Anfrage
- Trainingsmaterial auf Englisch
Everything that goes deep is clear to the point of transparency.
Leo Tolstoi